
Hongtai Hotline(WeChat)?Hongtai Hotline(WeChat):13839468258

1, fill and submit the application form to join
2, (for approval)
3, field visits and audits
4, confirm the location, store decoration
5, signed a contract to join satisfied and excited with the initial fee deposit
6, the local franchisee to handle business license issued by the licensing authority franchise attorney
7, the two sides signed an agreement to remit the first payment clearing and picking
8, staff recruitment and training determine the opening date
9, the display of goods and facilities installation
10, the trial operation (Myanmar experts went to the site to advertise)
11, officially opened

Copyright ? 2022 Hongtai Boiler?????ICP Register:豫ICP備19020484號(hào) XML地圖

Hongtai Low nitrogen and oxygen boiler

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