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The principle of ZWNS fuel gas hot water boiler

ZWNS fuel gas hot water boiler schematic

The internal closed chamber of ZWNS type fuel vacuum hot water unit forms a vacuum chamber after vacuum pumping. The combustion causes the heat medium water to boil and vaporize in the vacuum chamber to generate negative pressure water vapor. The steam condenses outside the heat exchanger tube to heat the cold water inside the tube. The temperature rises and reaches the user. After the water vapor condenses, water droplets are formed and flow back to the heat medium water, which is reheated and vaporized. Thus, the whole cycle is completed, and the normal working pressure of the unit is less than 0.7 bar.
The heat medium water is high-purity water specially treated by descaling, deoxidation, etc., and is completed by the factory one time before leaving the factory. When it is used, it is closed in the unit (vaporization-condensation-vaporization), no increase or decrease, and the service life of the unit is not Need to be added or replaced. The temperature of the hot water and the temperature of the hot medium water can be set by the touch screen button. The temperature can be set freely within the range of 0~100 °C. When the necessary conditions for combustion are met, the system automatically runs according to the set temperature value, and the touch screen is on the touch screen. The hot water outlet temperature, the heat medium water temperature, and the exhaust gas temperature are displayed in real time.

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