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Steam Boiler

ZFQ Fuel gas Steam Generator

ZFQ Fuel gas Steam Generator

Fuel gas steam generator

ZFQ type steam generator control process is simple and accurate, high thermal efficiency, short warm-up time, the use of arc-shaped pipe structure, making the exchange of cold and heat evenly, more quickly reach the set pressure. Steam pressure within 3-5 minutes after power on can reach 0.4mpa, a button to start the button control, can be set to automatically start running four periods. The equipment is equipped with automatic water, pressure control, water shortage protection and alarm, automatic shut-down of extremely low water level, overpressure protection, overpressure safety valve and many other protection measures.
The use of cross-flow water supply and built-in steam separation output device, corrosion resistance and ensure the output of steam quality.
The steam generator can generate continuous steam in a short period of time. In the cold water state, the steam can be output in 3 minutes, and in the hot water state, the steam can be supplied within 5 seconds. This series of steam boilers are all equipped with a patented make-up water damper, so that there will be no obvious pressure fluctuations in the water supply process. Shorten working hours and improve work efficiency.
Applications: Garment factories, dry cleaners, washing plants ironing and drying, steaming rice, boiled water, hospitals, schools, chemical plant disinfection, laboratory, pharmaceutical plants, food plants, drying and disinfection heating, boiled soybean milk, heating food; supporting fermentation Cans, reaction kettles, reaction pots sandwich pots, rice cookers.
Performance characteristics:
1. Fully automatic operation, no smoke, safety, environmental protection, and high efficiency.
2. Collecting water level, overpressure protection, water protection in one.
3. Small size, installation, simple operation, one-button startup.
4. Run for a few minutes to produce a steady stream of steam.
5. The volume of boiler water is small, and it is not necessary to submit it to the boiler inspection office.
6. Perfect protection system: boiler overpressure interlocking protection device, controller alarm, burner stop running, automatic blowdown open, safety valve open.
7. Energy-saving, high-efficiency, thermal efficiency of 95%, 45% - 65% energy savings over traditional steam cabinets.
8. The use of boiler-specific GB3087 standard steel pipe has a long service life.

型  號(hào)
項(xiàng)  目
ZFQ0.2-0.7 ZFQ0.3-0.7 ZFQ0.5-0.7 ZFQ0.7-0.7 ZFQ1-0.7
額定蒸發(fā)量 t/h 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0
額定蒸汽壓力 MPa 0.4/0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
蒸汽溫度 150/170 170 170 170 170
給水溫度 20
熱效率 % ≤93
傳熱面積 7.2 10.8 16.5 23.4 34.1
適用燃料   柴油/天然氣/液化氣/城市煤氣

柴油 Kg/h 13.5 18.32 30.94 46 67
天然氣 ?/h 16 22 37.3 55.7 72
液化氣 Kg/h 12.5 18 31.3 41.8 62
煤氣 ?/h 30 44 75 98 156
供氣壓力 MPa 3-5 3-6 4-8 5-8 6-10
蒸汽口徑 DN 25 25 40 40 50
煙囪直徑 DN 219 219 273 273 325
耗電功率 KW 0.85 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7
管組容水量 kg 25 29 29 29 29
外形尺寸 mm 1300 1400 1600 1800 1800
mm 1150 1250 1450 1650 1650
mm 2400 2500 2500 2600 2800

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